We want everyone who shares this dream to be able to join us and have worked hard to develop training procedures to make this a reality for as many people as possible. But we must be honest with ourselves. This arrival will require some basic stick and rudder skills, along with discipline in your flying. Ultimately you will have to hold position near another airplane with reasonably close tolerances for the 45-minute flight from KCWA to KOSH. You will need to be able to fly twenty feet off the deck for a ways and land on a specific target area. High-speed taxi will also be a necessity on occasion. Plus, with dozens of other aircraft in the group, contingencies you don’t need to consider in other flying will need to be planned for. Everyone's safety depends on the pilots ahead of and behind them and we are only as strong as our weakest link.
The type of formation flying we do is very basic but is similar to anything else new we learn in aviation: some people get it right away and others may take a while. Just as it’s difficult to know who will learn Instrument flying quickly after getting their pilot’s license, it’s difficult to exactly predict who will learn these skills quickly and who will need extra time. Pilots who are Instrument rated and/or have their Commercial license tend to have the flying discipline to pick up these skills more quickly, even at low total hours of flying time.